After 20 years of capturing Cornish life, attending thousands of events and taking literally millions of photos, Cornwall-Photos.com will be closing on the 19th May 2017.
Even though the website will come offline, we still have all our photos archived – so if there’s a particular image your looking for, please feel free to email phil.bunt@cornwall-photos.com, or call 01637 875532 and we’ll do what we can to help.
All the independent affiliates who used Cornwall-Photos.com as a platform for displaying and selling their photos continue to trade – but you will need to contact them directly to view and order photos.
Photos from the Newquay and St Austell Voice can still be ordered directly through their offices. More details here.
On behalf of Matt, Phil, and everyone else at Cornwall-Photos.com – thank you for your support. It’s been a pleasure to help share in capturing Cornish life over the last 20 years.